Monday, January 20, 2014

Car Accessories Market in Guangzhou

There are many car accessories market in Guangzhou. The famous one is Yong Fu Lu Car Market

Here you can find all type of car accesories ranging from GPS,roof rack,halogen lamp,exhaust and many more.

The address in Chinese is as follows

1. near the Yong Fu Lu area:

永福汽配城 地址: 永福路49号

福怡汽车配件用品市场 地址: 永福路49号

永福汽车配件专业街 地址: 永福路

2. near the Jiao Chang Xi Lu area (close to Metro station Lie Shi Ling Yuan on Line 1)

新较场摩托车配件城 地址: 较场西路6号

置地摩托车配件城 地址: 较场西路6号

3. near the Guang Yuan Xi Lu area (the old airport)

万里汽配城 地址: 广园中路59号

鸿运汽配广场 地址: 广园西路68号

广园汽车配件专业一条街 地址: 广园路


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