Sunday, March 24, 2013

Use VPN to connect to Facebook

Both Facebook and Blogspot are important to small online retailer. But how to connect to Facebook and Blogspot while you are in China sourcing for new products? The essential of showing off new products can win you a large portion of market.Your loyal fan page and blog visitor are hungry for new update, since you update them that you are going to China to source new product. New product means new fashion color and design.

So... so.....stop the talk. How to connect to Facebook in China. How to use Facebook in China? All these question are answered by installing this small application both in your desktop and android phone!

Head to

And install the apps in your desktop and android phone.

The rest follow the step in their guideline.  :)

After you sign up you will be awarded 100MB free, which is for me enaough for my stay in China (3-4 days). If you need more bwidth, simply buy it at a very reasonable price. You can pay it with your Paypal acount. I am sure 2.5 USD is just nothing compare to your multi thousand business per month! :)

Buy extra Bandwidth here

OK enjoy your stay in China. Now you can open and use Facebook in China!


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